Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera..
Today's topic is Adult
What does ADULT means? To me? Well, you get to go anywhere you want without any bodyguard hanging around, you get to spend your own money blindly, you can be whatever you want, you can annoy your little brother under any occasion or circumstances, basically choose any path because you have freedom in the palm of your hand.
Well, biologically, Adult is a fully grown, mature organism. Which also means a mature person. A mature person makes his own decision because he knows what he's doing. Well, to be honest, after reading what I'm writing. I am obviously NOT an adult yet. Because I have no idea what I'm writing. HAHA. Just kidding.
I also think that 'Adult' is a person who understand himself better than anyone else. I want to understand myself too. Sometimes I don't get myself. I look at this one stuff and says I love it, so my brain operates and send nerve impulses to the brain saying that I love this one thing but then, my heart denies it. Do you ever get the feeling that you're doing the right thing but then, you're not doing it because you think its the right thing but because everyone else think it was the right thing.
Ugh.. Please get me a gun! I'm perplexed. I confused myself. What in the world am I doing? What do I really want in this world anyway?
NOTHING! I don't want anything in this world because it's not forever. It doesn't LAST! So stop asking these questions and let me live my LIFE peacefully! This is MY life. Not yours!!!
Okay, back to reality. Sorry if I offend you. I don't mean YOU literally. I just...... wanna be happy. Is that too much to ask?
My Side Of Story
Saya mahu menjadi... semulia Khadijah, sesabar Hajar, seberani Asma, sepintar Aisyah, setabah Sumaiyyah, sepenyayang Rabiah.
About Me

- mia rahman
- I'm not a genius with an IQ of 200 nor a beauty that can melt any guy's heart with my wink. I'm just a muslimah who wants to chase her own dreams.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
3 Months vacation??
Assalamualaikum... Hey y'all!
I know, I know... I came out of nowhere after almost 6 months of no post.. haha.. guess what? I just totally forgot I have a blog..
So anyway, after SPM, like everybody, they would apply a job or start a business. but me?
haha... I was chosen to serve the country for 10 weeks. Yup, 10 whole weeks, baby!! in??
I know, I know... I came out of nowhere after almost 6 months of no post.. haha.. guess what? I just totally forgot I have a blog..
So anyway, after SPM, like everybody, they would apply a job or start a business. but me?
haha... I was chosen to serve the country for 10 weeks. Yup, 10 whole weeks, baby!! in??
Sunday, September 5, 2010
My Ambition
Salam. X)
Hmm.. talk about ambition. I'm trying to imagime myself what I'm gonna be in 5 years.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a chef. I was down when Mom said I was too slow when it comes to kitchen duty.
Then, I planned to be a vet. I cancelled because I wouldn't dare to touch pigs.
Then, Dad came in the picture and encouraged me to take medicine course. Well... as much as I love Biology, I hardly always get an A.
I did pictured myself wearing a white coat and looked cool....but then, I imagined I was cutting open a pregnant a woman. I mean, come on, I wouldn't hurt an ant, you expect me to cut open a human-being?
Like Mom says, as long as you 'minat' bidang tu, you can handle it.
But why am still hesitating when people asking me about my ambition?
Do I want to be a a doctor? Well, yes, I guess. I'm only 50% sincere when I said that, Ottoke?!
Whenever our future career topic is mentioned, Mom would say 'Oh, ni aa diorang ni nak amik medicine, Abah nak hantar diorang gi Mesir'.
What am I supposed to respond when she said that? Obviously,they are hoping for us to be doctors. Mom and Dad always told us they imagined us open our very own clinic next to each other.
My sis told me she's interested in architecture.
Somebody help me... How do I make a choice? Should I follow my heart or follow what my parents says"
Hmm.. talk about ambition. I'm trying to imagime myself what I'm gonna be in 5 years.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a chef. I was down when Mom said I was too slow when it comes to kitchen duty.
Then, I planned to be a vet. I cancelled because I wouldn't dare to touch pigs.
Then, Dad came in the picture and encouraged me to take medicine course. Well... as much as I love Biology, I hardly always get an A.
I did pictured myself wearing a white coat and looked cool....but then, I imagined I was cutting open a pregnant a woman. I mean, come on, I wouldn't hurt an ant, you expect me to cut open a human-being?
Like Mom says, as long as you 'minat' bidang tu, you can handle it.
But why am still hesitating when people asking me about my ambition?
Do I want to be a a doctor? Well, yes, I guess. I'm only 50% sincere when I said that, Ottoke?!
Whenever our future career topic is mentioned, Mom would say 'Oh, ni aa diorang ni nak amik medicine, Abah nak hantar diorang gi Mesir'.
What am I supposed to respond when she said that? Obviously,they are hoping for us to be doctors. Mom and Dad always told us they imagined us open our very own clinic next to each other.
My sis told me she's interested in architecture.
Somebody help me... How do I make a choice? Should I follow my heart or follow what my parents says"
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Just Me
Hey... Y'all probably recognize me cause I look like Mena. Well, technically, she's my twins.
What I'm going to tell you from now on is MY story.Yes.
A Person Named Amalia. That's me.
But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I'm not a genius with an IQ of 200 nor a beauty that can melt any guy's heart with my wink. I'm just a muslimah who wants to chase her own dreams.
To make your dreams come true, you have to believe they're true...
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